Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

I know that we need rain desperately, but it is rough with a toddler that has recently discovered the joys to be had outdoors. It has been raining constant here since late last night with no end in sight. Thomas has put a million miles on his truck running back and forth through the house, but he keeps going to the door and saying, "outside?"! He has even resorted to standing on his truck and trying to turn the doorknob... yikes! I should probably take him somewhere different to play, but I am feeling a little yuck today, so alas, we are at home. We did get out for Thomas' 15 month appointment this morning... here are his stats:

Weight: 29 pounds 12 ounces (96th percentile!)

Height: 34 inches (97th + percentile!)

Head: 52 centimeters (97th + percentile!)

In other words, he is a big boy. Dr. Painter said that he looks great and I am so thankful that his head circumference is finally in proportion. It never bothered me, but I don't want him to have anymore of those tests nor do I want anymore comments from complete strangers about how big my baby's head is!

So, that is all for now. I am off to do some laundry and house work before Bobby gets home. Hope you all are staying dry and finding a way to entertain the little ones!

1 comment:

Kolb Family said...

rainy days are tough they just drag on, the next time it happens call me and we will go to funzone!!! Have a great weekend!